Linda Farrow Eyeglasses

Linda Farrow Eyeglasses near Austin, TX available at Fine Eyewear
We have a large selection of beautifully designed Linda Farrow Eyewear....
Linda Farrow eyeglasses are simply beautiful and exude elegance and luxe. Each Linda Farrow peice is luxuriously designed and incorporates plated gold. Linda Farrow metal frames start with a strong, yet light titanium frame and then the titanium is plated in 18-22K gold. Gold is available in yellow, white and rose. Acetates frames utilize gold plated hingles and other fine details carefully placed on the frame.   You've probably know Linda Farrow because so many celebrities are wearing them. The beautiful thing is Linda Farrow never plasters emblems or trademarks on their eyewear. They don't need it! Linda Farrow is a timeless, aspirational collection that you will love to wear. .

Linda Farrow Eyewear